Champagne was found by a NEADS client huddled in the back of his garage. He immediately contacted NEADY Cats to see if we could take her into the shelter. When he arrived with Champagne, we marveled at her gentle nature and cute little round face. On the following Monday, she visited our veterinarian and tested positive for leukemia.
At the time we had no place at the shelter for a leukemia positive kitty, so I took her home. She was approximately 6 months old. I put her in a room with an older cat of mine Fredricka. Fredricka was losing her battle with kidney disease. Champagne was her friend until the end. When Fredricka died, Champagne lived alone until Simon came, followed shortly by Iris. Iris lost her battle with leukemia before Simon but they left this world within a short time of each other; both less than two years old. Ginger, a leukemia positive cat was living at the shelter so she came home to be a companion for Champagne.
In August, Champagne was diagnosed with lymphoma. Champagne was a gentle, loving kitty. She was a blessed leukemia positive cat, living more than 6 years! I will miss her but she is in a better place ~ no pain or discomfort ~ a gift we can give them.
Farewell, Champagne
Doreen Sheridan
Thank you for your support of Champagne.