Dallas was compact. His little body looked like a sausage. He didn’t have one ounce of loose skin to grab on to.
Dallas was elusive. He hid in small cabinet drawers.
Dallas greeted everyone with the strangest little hiss. If he happened to lock eyes with you, he would hiss instantly…then he would run off as if he were being chased by a pack of wolves.
Dallas created havoc. Every cat in the shelter whacked Dallas every day! His nose was a roadmap of scratches.
Dallas tried your patience. Day after day, we all worked hard to socialize him. We needed to find someone very special for Dallas, someone with a “mountain of patience.”
Presto! Would you believe the nicest minister in the world adopted Dallas? Now, that is someone very patient!
Dallas left for his new home on January 3, 2004. He settled under the bed for weeks, of course. The big question was, would Dallas ever “come out from under” to join the world?
Yes! Success! Today Dallas sports a beautiful unscratched nose and is “best buds” with his new owner. Dallas is out and about, and we are all so very proud of him. At last, a happy ending to this story!

It takes a lot of people pulling together to make success stories like Dallas’s a reality. If our cats are never offered a home, they can live at the shelter for the rest of their lives. They will receive lots of love, and all the care and comfort they need. But we need your help to do this.