“Dirty Harry” was one “dirty man.” He had bleeding polyps in his ears, crusty runny eyes, and a scratched up face that just begged to be washed…and washed…and washed again.
Dirty Harry had several wounds of unknown origin and was immediately served a six-month quarantine. After ten days of penicillin, his eyes began to clear, his fur began to shine (a little), and his appetite improved.
The polyps were removed. Weeks passed. Dirty Harry quaffed down his food, but remained skin and bones. More testing detected an overactive thyroid. No problem…Dirty Harry took his medicine like a champ.
Dirty Harry soon began to get a little personality. He commanded attention. He loved a good body rub and thanked us by talking non-stop.
This once bedraggled cat had a certain something…you just had to love him. And sure enough, a nice lady came along and took Dirty Harry home.
I just love happy endings!

It takes a lot of people pulling together to make success stories like Dirty Harry’s a reality. If our cats are never offered a home, they can live at the shelter for the rest of their lives. They will receive lots of love, and all the care and comfort they need. But we need your help to do this.