With great sadness we said goodbye to a very special cat named Gideon “The chairman of the Board”. This extremely amazing cat was a constant office companion.
Gideon arrived 14 years ago. He was diagnosed with Feline Aids. Feline aids had more questions than answers back then. The treatment and prognosis were questionable. Gideon took his rightful place at Neady cat’s becoming everyone’s constant office companion setting his internal CLOCK for 11:00 AM aka Lunch time. This amazing cat kept Marilyn on her toes while he sat at her desk in his favorite comfortable bed.
Gideon also had a part time job helping train the NEADS Service dogs. Gideon took this job on and showed each dog how to behave around cats.
Sadly, we recently found out that Gideon was diagnosed with cancer, something that was difficult for him and even harder on us. We loved and cherished this handsome blue eyed part Siamese mix. We are extremely grateful that Gideon was part of our shelter for 14 long years, offering his wisdom to all the new cats that arrived while he kept us entertained with his Lazer light antics, feather toys, long naps, special catnip treats. Fly free sweet boy you’re UNFORGETABLE. We know that you’ll have a special “Welcome” from all our NEADY cats when you cross the Rainbow Bridge. You will always be in our minds and hearts.