According to myth, Hercules was “a divine hero famous for his strength and numerous far- ranging adventures”. Well, NEADY Cats had its own Hercules. As far as we were concerned, he WAS divine. Given his history he probably did have far-ranging adventures before coming to us, and he was famous at NEADY Cats for his strength in surviving his many illnesses.
According to Marilyn, Hercules was a stray, found in someone’s yard. When he came to us he was a ‘dirty, scrawny bag of bones!’ He was brought to Central Animal Hospital with the sad thought that he might have leukemia, and might not survive. Our Hercules had other plans! Yes, he had serious heart disease, but he wasn’t ready to say goodbye—he had lots of living to do.
Medication, good food, and love kept Hercules going for nine years at the shelter. In some ways he was the original grumpy cat, at least as far as the other residents were concerned. This small black and white ball of fur would growl and hiss his way around the shelter, warning other cats to stay away. With people, however, he was loving and sweet. He loved to curl up in a warm lap. He could be found in the viewing window watching people go by, meowing at them to come in and spend time with him. He loved petting day and shelter parties, when he would get special attention and treats.

Over the years Hercules developed other medical problems. We knew he would never be adopted because of this, but the shelter became his home, and he loved his ‘people’. He was also loved at Central Animal Hospital, where he spent his final days. Now, I know veterinarians would never say they had a favorite patient, but… Hercules certainly was one of them!
We are so sad to say goodbye to Hercules, but take comfort in knowing that he was loved and had a good life with us. Now he is with Roo, Little Larry, Hero, and so many others. There will never be another Hercules—his name is being ‘retired’!
Chris Bibby