Lizzie came to the shelter several years ago as a young adult. She had been hit by a car and had her tail amputated. She was sweet, loving, and just wanted to sit in our laps. She found a home quickly, but was soon returned because she was leaking very small amounts of urine, especially at night when she slept on her owner’s bed. It turned out she had a spinal injury from the accident and couldn’t always control her urine. It was just very small amounts, but no one wanted to give her a home.

It’s unfortunate- she was so loving and wanted attention from all who visited. She was always a big hit on Petting Day and at Christmas visits. However, we all loved her at the shelter, which became her home. As soon as one volunteer sat down, Lizzie would head for the volunteer’s lap- she often had to outrun Topaz to get there first! Lizzie did well until recently, when she began to develop multiple medical problems, including diabetes. She stopped eating well and lost a large amount of weight. Despite the best medical care, and care from the volunteers, she was not getting better, so we had to say good bye.
Chris Bibby