She was a lost soul, with no one knowing why she was out in the cold. A kind man started to feed her and when it got icy he called NEADY Cats to see if we could take a “young friendly stray” from his porch. Of course Marilyn went to check and even though she realized this kitty was NOT young but very old, she took her in anyway. Because she was orange she was named Marigold.
At first she was in the big room but it was too noisy and busy for her. So she moved to the iso room, where she was safe in a cage with lots of food and water. Marigold loved to sit in a bed on top of the cages and have people pet her and talk to her. She had a large cyst on her neck that Dr. Moss drained a few times but it always filled up again, so we left it alone until it started to bother her and then it was removed.
Shortly after that she began to fade, not wanting to eat much and so she went back to Central and they discovered she was in kidney failure. Because of her age and frailty, we decided to say good-bye to her so that she wouldn’t suffer. We only had her for about a year, but we like to think we made a huge difference in her last months and days.
SJ Wolfe