Milo arrived on my doorstep 11 years ago. I kept telling him to “go home!!!.” Three days later he was still there acting like I was the one who was confused about where he lived.
I took Milo to the shelter and the volunteers spent days picking ticks off him. He was skinny and not very handsome. His temperament was unpredictable at best. Milo thought nothing of taking a swipe at anyone who dared remove him from where he wanted to be. Milo settled into living at the shelter. We settled into accepting the fact that he would never leave.
Milo taught us just what to do so we would not upset him. He was to have baby food off someone’s finger every day. He was to be fed Fancy Feast at every meal. He was not to be disturbed while he was napping. Milo had it “his” way every day for 11 years.
When the time came to say “Good Bye” we all realized how much we truly loved Milo. Milo passed over the Rainbow Bridge on December 13, 2010.