Pamela came to us with a piece of wire in her mouth that was preventing her from eating. The vet thought that at one time she had had a broken jaw and that was what the wire had been. It was removed and Pamela came to live at the shelter.
A big brown tabby, she had such oily fur she got dreadlocks and so had to be brushed and combed a lot. Some her teeth were bad and they were removed, and she very placidly went on being a very friendly girl who would take any lap that was offered. She had a funny little meow, and because her mouth wasn’t quite right, she looked a bit like the Cheshire cat.
Nicknamed Pam or sometimes Pamster, she was always ready for someone to love her. She enjoyed sleeping in the sun as often as she could. One day she started to become very thin and then had a bloated stomach. Tests revealed she had cancer so she came back to stay with us as long as she was comfortable. One day she didn’t really want to eat or move too much and she went off to Rainbow Bridge. She was such a sweet cat and she is certainly missed by her friends.
S. J. Wolfe