(The Poopish)
August 1, 2000 – October 9, 2013
When we walked into NEADY Cats to adopt our two brother cats, we had no idea that we would leave with four cats. There was Puppy, lying with his head down, on the perch in the middle of the shelter. He was 8 years old and the Alpha cat in the shelter. We just couldn’t leave him there since he seemed so sweet, so we took him home, four cats in tow.
He came out of his carrier, found a spot in the sun, and managed to control our house in his subtle, sweet way. Puppy was truly a wonderful cat. He was very much like a Puppy. He had his bedtime routine which included lugging large stuffed animals from one bedroom to another. He established a “licking” routine with his brother, George, “mooned” over Ava, and respected Ringo. We will miss him every day, our precious Puppy.
Lynn, Pete, Mary, George, Ringo and Ava Brothers