Here is a new exciting way for you to help our kitties. You choose a cat to sponsor for one year. Each month we will mail you a picture and a short profile of the kitty you have chosen. You decide the amount you want to send. Your monthly contribution will be used to support your kitty…with medicine, veterinary bills, toys, bed, and treats.
The Sponsor a Special NEADY Cat Program will focus on our long term residents – the older cats, the cats with ongoing medical problems, and those cats that have not been socialized enough to be considered “adoptable.”
Chances are these cats will never be offered a home. Since we are a no-kill shelter, these cats can live at the shelter for the rest of their lives. They will receive lots of love, and all the care and comfort they need. We need your help to do this.
1. MR. BOOTS arrived at the shelter very skinny and his fur was thin and limp. We soon learned he was born with a very weak heart. The chances of Mr. Boots having a long life were not good. But Mr. Boots did not know his fate and has fooled us all. He has blossomed into a big handsome cat with a full thick coat of fur and handsome gold glittering eyes. Mr. Boots has had some very uncomfortable ear infections, leaving his once beautiful ears scrunched close to his head. Still, he does his best to keep us on our toes. He is a man with a mission…live life to the fullest! We love Mr. Boots and hope he continues to enjoy life here at the shelter for many years to come.
2. THADDEUS is an adorable kitty who was born with deformed front legs. He looks like a fluffy kangaroo when he sits up. Thaddeus is a sweet boy that had a rough start. He was diagnosed with a closed esophagus when he was a kitten and could not swallow solid food. Instead, the food collected in a pouch in his throat, causing him to throw up after every meal. Thaddeus had surgery and recovered nicely. He continues to eat with his food dish raised to help the food go down to his tummy. Thaddeus has a heart murmur and asthma as well. In spite of his problems, Thaddeus is a gentle cat and loves lots of pats. We can count of Thaddeus to make us smile every day.
3. Bridget was a lost kitty. She was very friendly the day she arrived. As soon as she was put in a cage, she reverted to being a cat with a chip on her shoulder and has never recovered. We can pat her on the head when we give her treats. She likes to play with a string toy, but mostly stays to herself and does not want our attention. Bridget has a few special cat pals at the shelter but has never cozied up with a particular volunteer. She prefers to be left alone. Her health is good. Bridget is beautiful to look at. She has a little heart on her nose and lovely close cropped fur. Bridget has had one failed placement. We feel Bridget will never have her chance at a forever home. We love Bridget despite her personality. She is welcome to live with us at the shelter.
4. DOLORES is a petite cat with gorgeous markings. She rolls over very nicely and shows you her belly. She is lovely to look at, but you had better not touch. She will bite you good! Dolores came to the shelter after being out in a heavy rainstorm when a lady opened her door and Dolores ran in. She was, and still is, an adorable little cat. She has deformed front legs and looks like she is walking on her elbows. Dolores is small and compact and makes her way around every inch of the shelter with no trouble at all. She tries to rule over the other cats and is often the center of a major spat. She is not a cat who endears herself to either the cats or volunteer. She sets herself apart and likes it that way. Dolores is a keeper. We love Dolores in spite of her faults.
5. GIDEON is a happy boy who wants lots of attention. He has the kitty AIDS virus (FIV). This virus is spread to other cats by a deep bite or scratch. Gideon lives in out office and is definitely a shelter favorite. He has striking colors of brown, tan and white, and gorgeous big blue eyes. Everyone looks twice when they see him. Gideon can be a bit of a tyrant with the other cats. These escapades are usually followed by him being returned to his cage for a little “time out”. Gideon has had one unsuccessful placement. Gideon has now been with us for over 10 years and still just want to have fun. His motto is “Gideon rules!”.
6. LOLA is a lovely lady in a beautiful sleek black coat. She arrived in 2016. Unfortunately, she immediately sided up with a couple of feisty cats and spent all her time up high on the ramps. She became untouchable. Now, after the shelter moved to a new location, for some reason only known to Lola, she has made a turn around. She loves to watch the birds on the birdfeeder and has her favorite spot on a sisal post. I see improvement every day with Lola. If she continues to progress, I truly believe Lola will find a home. I think she is just waiting for that special someone to come along. When that happens, Lola will be adopted. I see good things in Lola’s future.
7. REVOLVING SPONSORSHIP…we will select the kitty that needs you the most each month