Stanley Buck
In May of 2009, there was a listing for an orange tabby cat on Craigslist. His owner was only asking one dollar. I paid the dollar. I was sure this handsome boy would be very adoptable. No such luck. He had leukemia. The decision was made to let the cat live in our office area at NEADY Cats. We dubbed him Stanley Buck in reference to what we had paid for him.
In the short time Stanley Buck lived with us, he touched all our hearts. He was our morning “greeter.” “Hey Stanley.” “How are you today, Stanley?” “Aw, here he comes.” “It’s Stanley.”
Stanley Buck was a joker. He peeked out at us from little cat houses we had set up for him.

Stanley Buck made mealtime an adventure.
Working in the office was one of Stanley Buck’s favorite things to do. He was so much help

In early February 2010, Stanley started to lose interest in eating. I must have tried 50 different types of food, which he sniffed and refused. After 2 weeks at the vet, Stanley regained his appetite and returned home to the shelter. Two days later Stanley stopped eating and went back to the vet. Every day thereafter I wished for a miracle. But, in my heart I knew I was going to lose Stanley. The kitty that I paid one buck for, became the kitty I would have given all I had to save. Isn’t it strange how something that is worth so little to one person, can be worth so much to another?
On February 18, 2010, I stayed with Stanley during his last moments and felt the life drift slowly out of him.
Bye Stanley Buck. You were fun. You were one special guy.