Tennessee Tux is one “hunk” of a kitty cat. We thought for sure he would be the easiest placement going. Then his first vet visit detected a loud heart murmur. An ultrasound further confirmed a thickened and deformed heart muscle. We feared Tennessee would never leave the shelter, but sometimes we just get lucky. A kind, gentle young lady by the name of Laura Phaneuf of Southboro, MA, came along and gave our handsome boy the home he deserved.
Laura writes, “He tends to help me with my studies and whatnot late at night…who knew that a cat would like reading graduate level textbooks as much as I do?
“Let’s just say that he adjusted quite quickly. The minute we brought him home he was poking around and finding all the good spots to cuddle. It was incredible! He was literally following us all around the house that day as if it were home all along. He is always in someone’s lap and he is a big fan of sunbathing in the bay window with his blanket. (I think the birds are just happy on the other side of that window!.)
“So yes, Tux is doing amazingly…he is spoiled, to say the least. I think Tux found a home with us, and we found the perfect new member of our family.
“I have been spreading the word to everyone about NEADY Cats – so hopefully some more lovelies will find homes.”
This is one lucky kitty cat. Thank you, Laura, for giving Tennessee his “forever” home.
Update December 2009
I’m writing to update you on Tennessee Tux, our beloved cat that I adopted from you in 2004. I’m sad to report that Tennessee passed away this morning after a wonderful life with us. “Tux” holds a special place in our hearts- from keeping me company while in school, to being the first cat that my daughter came to know as an infant this past year. We’ll miss Tux terribly, but have no doubt that his last 5 years were filled with joy and love. “
Thank you for bringing Tux into our lives!
Laura Phaneuf-Bertonazzi
Southborough, MA

It takes a lot of people pulling together to make success stories like Tux’s a reality. If our cats are never offered a home, they can live at the shelter for the rest of their lives. They will receive lots of love, and all the care and comfort they need. But we need your help to do this.