He got lost in his new home the first day and it required some home dismantling to reach him

An elusive cat who hid in cabinet drawers and was picked on by the other cats finally found a patient owner and a real home

A painter found him alone in a house that was foreclosed. We cleaned him up but this hard-luck kitty is still living at the shelter

Dirty Harry
This cat came to the shelter bedraggled and dirty, but some medical care and love finally got him a real home

A lady in hiding for four weeks after she got to the shelter, she finally came out and found a forever home

A little guy with a seizure problem found help and a forever home

Was found with frostbitten paws eating from a dumpster. After partial removal of both front paws, he recovered and was adopted

This depressed and lonely guy got dropped off at the shelter...and finally found a loving home

Two owners gave up on this cat until someone noticed that he was deaf. Now he has a forever home

He was a sickly bag of bones when he arrived at the shelter, but medical care and lots of cage rest turned him into a winner

Baby Ned
He and his siblings were found by an ATM machine on a rainy day. He didn't want to eat or keep himself clean, but we cleaned him up and he was adopted

Woody Woodpile
This little guy was found in a woodpile, hungry and with a broken leg. He finally found a home with people who loved him

Had a badly injured back foot at birth. She lost part of her foot in surgery, but recovered and now lives happily with her adopted family.

Five cats were left outside of NEADS, but one cat had escaped his carrier. Weeks passed, but Casper was finally found. He now has a forever home

Three Kittens
With a virus causing swollen eyes and a danger of loss of eyesight found forever homes

A frozen little wisp of a cat who came to the shelter in the middle of winter found a home at NEADY Cats

Little Girl
She had five babies in the shelter, but took on two orphan kitties a jogger found in the woods

Baby San-T
A tiny, fading kitten is given lots of TLC and becomes a healthy adult

Blue Moon
This little cat with serious eye problems came to NEADY Cats, was treated, and found a forever home

Harold Moses
How a sick stray cat with no back feet found love and happiness when he came to live at the NEADY Cats shelter

This reclusive little cat hid while in the shelter, but a loving adoption finally made him outgoing

Cruelty caused him head trauma and a severely injured mouth and chin, but after surgery he found a loving home

Tennesee Tux
We thought this big kitty with a heart murmur would be hard to place, but we were wrong

She had a rare seizure disorder and was a biter, but after 3 years in the shelter, she found a home
Click on the circles to navigate through the photos. Then use the red circle icon to rotate the card for a brief description, or click on the photo to be taken to that cat’s page.